Many patients are interested to know how the FUT scar may look following their hair transplant procedure. While we try to demonstrate it, it can be difficult as with the FUT technique of surgery the patients head is not shaved and therefore the scar is normally difficult to see.
In the image below we show a patient who had one FUT hair transplant procedure at HRBR and who subsequently developed cancer and underwent chemotherapy which caused his hair to fall out temporarily. The image below shows the patient with little hair growth following chemotherapy and allows the scar from his FUT procedure many years previously to be seen. As can be seen while the FUT procedure leaves a linear scar, in patients with good healing attributes, when an FUT procedure is carried out by a skilled surgeon the scar is still virtually undetectable and can easily be covered by a few centimetres of hair growth.

For those patients however that do like a closer shave at the back and sides of their scalp then the FUE procedure is usually recommended as this can be less detectible in very short hair as the small circular scars left from an FUE procedure are more spread out.
The good news for those patients who may have lost their hair following a course of chemotherapy is that once treatment has concluded in the vast majority of patients their hair returns in full.
To speak with one of our doctors in relation to your hair loss contact the clinic on on +353 01 209 1000 or
Find our more about the difference between the FUT and FUE hair transplant procedures
About the Authour

DR Maurice Collins
Consultant Surgeon
Registered with the Medical Council of Ireland
Dr Collins is Medical Director and Team Principal of Hair Restoration Blackrock. He was educated at Belvedere College Dublin and did his undergraduate medical studies at University College Dublin. After graduating as a doctor he trained in General Surgery and received his Fellowship (FRCSI) in this specialty from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
Find out more about DR Maurice Collins and our team of doctors and surgeons.